Sunday, February 27, 2011

I visited the local school for the islands

The locals are indigenous and only source of water is rain. Desalination doesn't work cuz they don't understand it, and it has been passed on for generations that drinking sea water is poison... They've no idea about salt.

Looks edible in a pinch...

Bait everywhere, lots of Tom toms, and tuna offshore, but not much in between...

My guide who took me on a jungle trek to this neat little beach spot...

Late night coco crab encounter...

Post-stonefish hunting...

Yet life goes on...

Cutie with an Uncertain Future

The colours of Wimbeldon...

where colonialists find their color inspirations.

We are in the same place, yet live worlds apart...

Much more than candy and cartoons on their minds

Where is Curious George?